The Guelph Seven



  1. Paul Vilchez

    Paul Vilchez is finishing up his degree in Engineering Systems & Computing. He thought the program would help him decide on a career path; instead it has opened his eyes to an ever-growing array of opportunities.

    His technical experience is broad: Real-time system modeling with LabVIEW, 3D modeling with NX, programming in Java/C/JavaScript, mechatronics system design; Paul loves to play with and learn new technologies. He’s currently working on a natural user interface for robot telepresence as a final year design project.

    When Paul’s not thinking tech, he’s:

    • Traveling: He’s been to the US, Peru, France, Brazil & Germany. So far.
    • Jamming: He’s performed as a guitarist at the River Run Centre, Guelph.
    • Playing: Paul loves Ultimate Frisbee – he’s always willing to toss a disc!

    Find Paul online at; better yet, follow him on twitter here.

A big thank you to all of our generous sponsors!